Hi everyone, So to put it simply, I made an Intune application tool that automatically deploys packages to Intune and maintains updates for third party apps. I'm really excited to get new users on board to help grow the app with feedback. I thought I'd provide a quick guide with deploying a Win32 application. 1. Log into Milkybyte Head over to www.milkybyte.com and sign up, it's free! 2. Connect your Microsoft Account Follow this link to connect your account to Microsoft Intune, please note we have carefully selected the requested permissions and only ask for what we need to deploy apps. 3. Go to the App Library Once your account is connected, it's time to start deploying apps!! Select an app your would like to deploy and click the + button. 4. Deploy the App For my deployment of 7-Zip I'm going to select 64-Bit and set automatic updates (when a new version is available, Milkybyte will redeploy the update package). When I've selected my deployment options I c...